Tarteelul Qur'an - Anjum Qureshi Sahiba | One-on-one | English | Lajna, Aftal and Nasiraat |
Tarteel ul Quran
Monday to Thursday from 9:30am - 11am MST / 12:30pm - 1pm EST
Word by Word Translation of The Holy Quran - Professor Dr. Hameed Naseem sahib |English|
Sundays 4:30pm - 5:30pm EST
Word by Word Translation of the Holy Quran & Grammar - Rehana Muhammad Sahiba | URDU | Lajna |
Tuesday - Thursday 6pm - 7pm EST
Tarteelul Qur'an - Teacher Certification - Zahidah Rehman sahiba | Urdu | For Lajna |
Tarteel ul Quran
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 5:00pm - 6:00pm EST
Al-Tarteel, Qiraat Learning - Atia Ghani Sahiba |Morning|
Special Project Courses
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 11:00am to 12:00pm EST Prerequisites: Student must have basic H...